
Vaping CBD
December 10, 2019

Vaping CBD: Is There a Thing as Too Much?

Vaping is one of the most common methods of cannabidiol (CBD) consumption around the world. And although vaporizers have been around since the 1960s, it’s only recently that hemp consumers have enjoyed them. But my big question is this: Is vaping CBD a healthy choice for non-smokers? The short answer is… maybe not. In this article, I explain why. 


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How to Vape CBD Oil
August 27, 2019

How to Vape CBD Oil

There’s a reason why more and more people are turning to cannabidiol (CBD). Consumer Reports said that of the quarter of Americans who are using CBD, one out of every seven used it every single day. And there are so many ways to use CBD too! Some customers snack on edibles, others rub in topicals or ingest capsules. But for those of you looking for the fastest relief possible, you need to try vaping CBD oil.

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