
CBD and GABA System
January 21, 2021

CBD and GABA: An Introduction

Maybe you weren’t aware of this, but GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid) is constantly working behind the scenes to pump the breaks when neurons in your brain get overexcited. This naturally occurring amino acid is one of your most important neurotransmitters.

For those with GABA deficiencies, CBD may offer the boost they need to keep calm, cool, and collected. 

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10 Medicinal Mushrooms
March 03, 2020

10 Medicinal Mushrooms + Dutch Cocoa + CBD = Best Hot Chocolate

Mushrooms are more than just odd-looking fungi that occasionally grow in your yard. There are currently well over 10,000 types of mushrooms. Scientists believe that's just a fraction, many have yet to be discovered. In fact, most edible mushrooms are considered a superfood because of the health benefits they provide. So, before you pick the mushrooms off of your pizza, read on to learn the details of their awesomeness, including our favorite mushroom and CBD-infused hot cocoa!

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Can CBD help people taper off Benzos
February 25, 2020

Can CBD Help People Taper Off Benzos?

Benzos, or benzodiazepines, are a group of prescription sedatives meant to help those with anxiety, insomnia, and sometimes seizure disorders. They’re one of the most widely prescribed drugs and are designed for short-term use.

While benzodiazepines help those suffering from anxiety or insomnia, they’re shockingly easy to become dependent on. However, CBD may help people taper off and get back to living benzo-free. 

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Can CBD fight Opioid Addiction
February 13, 2020

Can CBD Help Fight Opioid Addiction?

Opioids help many manage chronic pain, but the repercussions can be devastating. Could CBD offer a solution for those suffering from the opioid crisis? We won’t pretend that CBD will miraculously cure people of opioid addictions, but it may provide a boost to help people overcome some of the hurdles. Let's check it out.


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Can CBD Reduce Inflammation
February 02, 2020

Can CBD Reduce Inflammation?

If you haven’t tried CBD for your inflammation, you could be living with unnecessary pain and discomfort.


Inflammation can sound pretty scary, but it’s your body's natural response to several different situations. When your body doesn’t STOP being inflamed though, it can be very painful and uncomfortable. Luckily, CBD can help! Whether or not you’re dealing with minor aches caused by inflammation or painful chronic inflammation, keep reading to decide whether or not CBD is right for you.

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How to read a Certificate of Analysis COA
January 28, 2020

How to Read a COA

You should always check the quality of your CBD products by reading the COA (certificate of analysis). In the most basic sense, this document tells you what’s in a CBD product. But, if you’re not familiar with it, it can seem pretty daunting. So today we’re explaining what that document is and how to understand it.

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CBD for Mood Disorders
January 10, 2020

Can CBD Help with Mood Disorders?

Mood disorders are some of the most misunderstood mental health issues because they’re hard to diagnose. There are prescription medications that can help, and for some people, these are exactly what they need!

But for others, they’re either not the right option...or they’re just not enough. CBD has helped people with a wide variety of issues, but can it help those with mood disorders?

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5 Reasons you should be using CBD Oil
January 06, 2020

5 Reasons You Should be Using CBD Oil

Hopefully, by now you know that CBD (cannabidiol) is the non-psychoactive cannabinoid that promotes health benefits without the side-effects of prescription drugs. Some are taking it to help them sleep, to lessen anxiety and pain, and some are even using it to soothe neurological issues. For maximum CBD perks, however, you should consider using CBD Oil.

If you need the maximum healing benefits of CBD, then you should be using CBD Oil. Don’t believe us? Here are 5 reasons why you should!

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How long does CBD Stay in your system
December 31, 2019

How Long Does CBD Stay in Your System?

Even after the effects have worn off, CBD can still be in your system. But how long exactly? 


This is important information to be aware of. Like maybe you’re worried about CBD showing up on a pre-employment drug screening. Or you don't want CBD to mix with a medication you're about to take.


No matter the reason, read on to discover the key tips to help you figure out how long CBD may stay in your system.

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The Endocannabinoid System: Your Top Questions Answered
November 26, 2019

The Endocannabinoid System: Your Top Questions Answered

Over the last several decades, scientists and physicians have explored how cannabis affects the body and mind. One of the most important discoveries from this research has been the endocannabinoid system. Commonly called the ECS, this system was first identified in the early 1990s and is responsible for the healing and relaxing effects associated with cannabis and CBD.

If you’re interested in how CBD can provide you beneficial and healing effects, it pays to understand the basics of this fascinating system.

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CBD Oil for Depression
November 24, 2019

CBD Oil for Depression

When you’re depressed, you would do almost anything to feel better. But even with that desperate desire to overcome depression, you might be reluctant to try medication. That’s understandable as many antidepressants come with a wide range of unpleasant side effects such as libido suppression, nausea, and weight gain.

CBD oil, in contrast, has very few side effects. Although the research on CBD oil and depression is sparse, it’s promising. In combination with psychotherapy, CBD oil may help relieve some depression symptoms. Read on to see what the research has found so far on CBD and depression. 

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Can CBD Help Multiple Sclerosis Patients?
November 21, 2019

Can CBD Help Multiple Sclerosis Patients?

There are lots of claims surrounding the benefits of CBD, but can it offer relief for those suffering from Multiple Sclerosis?

If you search for cannabidiol (CBD) benefits, you’ll find results ranging from short-term relief of minor ailments to some downright miraculous benefits. For anyone who regularly suffers from aches and pains, anxiety, or even acne, CBD can offer temporary relief. But what if you’re suffering from something more severe? For example, could CBD help people who’ve been diagnosed with neurodegenerative diseases?

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CBD for Schizophrenia
November 19, 2019

CBD for Schizophrenia

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, schizophrenia is one of the top leading causes of disability worldwide. Cannabidiol (CBD) has been found to have the potential for treating several mental health disorders, including anxiety, depression, and PTSD. But can it be used to treat a severe, chronic disorder like schizophrenia? It’s not yet clear whether CBD can totally replace antipsychotic medication, but studies reveal promising data. Read on to learn more.

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What Are Terpenes and What do They Have to do With CBD?
November 16, 2019

What Are Terpenes and What do They Have to do With CBD?

If you’re like me, you’re a little obsessed with cannabidiol (CBD). Or maybe you’re just now getting into it and you’re doing some research to see what it’s all about. Either way, by now you’ve probably come across the term terpenes more than once.

But what exactly are they and what do they have to do with your CBD products? Some people are saying that they’re just like essential oils, which is both correct and incorrect. While they do have aromatic benefits, like essential oils, I wouldn’t recommend dabbing them on your wrists like perfume. Read on to find out everything we know about terpenes. 

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How to Balance Your Fight-or-Flight Response With CBD
September 19, 2019

How to Balance Your Fight-or-Flight Response With CBD

When you’re stressed out, your body thinks it’s doing you a favor when it floods your system with adrenaline. This is because of your natural fight-or-flight response, aka the stress-response. But when it doesn’t understand what constitutes an actual threat...lots of things can suddenly seem threatening. Luckily, CBD can help you regain control by promoting a more balanced fight-or-flight response. 

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What is the Gut Brain Axis (GBA)
September 17, 2019

What is the Gut-Brain Axis (GBA)?

For thousands of years, people have assumed that their mental health and physical wellbeing aren’t separate entities, but instead have a great deal of influence on each other. Over the last few decades, numerous studies have shown that not only does this link exist — it’s called the Gut-Brain Axis, or GBA — but it may play a much bigger role than you can imagine.

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CBD in Stroke Recovery
September 15, 2019

CBD in Stroke Recovery

According to the Centers for Disease Control, someone suffers from a stroke every forty seconds in the United States, with 15 million people affected worldwide each year. 

Thanks to multiple clinical studies conducted over the last twenty years, researchers have discovered that the administration of CBD following ischemic stroke proves to be very beneficial to recovery. Here's how. 

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Calculating Your CBD Oil Dosage: The Ultimate How-To
August 19, 2019

Calculating Your CBD Oil Dosage: The Ultimate How-To

With the explosive growth of the CBD industry, more and more individuals are turning to CBD products as a way to treat and improve certain health issues. But you’d be hard-pressed to find great products that explain how much CBD would help your specific needs. Fortunately, we have come up with a comprehensive guide, based on research and customer feedback, to finding the right CBD dosage. 

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CBD & Epilepsy: 65 Million People Are Suffering
August 17, 2019

CBD & Epilepsy: 65 Million People Are Suffering

Recently, after years of research trials, the first Federal Drug Administration (FDA) regulated CBD drug for epilepsy was released. Epidiolex debuted in 2019, and already it’s starting to ameliorate the hardships faced by parents and their children.

But, for many people, barriers still stand in their way—these treatments aren’t easily available to everyone. Their best chance for relief may be found in an unlikely source: hemp-based CBD. 

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