Made By Hemp | Hemp Patch (1 Patch, 40mg)


Made By Hemp | Hemp Patch (1 Patch 40mg)

Health issues like inflammation can be bothersome 24 hours a day. Hemp patches are perfect for anyone looking for extended relief from symptoms. They are also good for people who forget to take their supplements daily because the patch easily sticks to our skin and provides relief for up to 12 hours.

Transdermal Hemp Patches

Hemp oil is derived from industrial hemp, not to be confused with marijuana. Hemp and marijuana have major differences, although they have been considered to mean the same thing for many years. Cannabidiol is a compound abundant in the hemp plant which is thought to have many medical benefits but does not actually cause a “high” due to its very low traces of THC (.3% or less).

Our transdermal Hemp patch offers a stronger serving size of hemp extract of 40mg. Our strongest tincture offers about 21mg of cannabidiol per serving, thus our patches are one of our most potent products. A Hemp patch is also low maintenance since you can simply stick it on and forget about it for 12 hours.


cbd patch


How to use Hemp Patches

Choose an area of skin that is venous, like the inside of an ankle or wrist which is near where you want the hemp to work the most. We suggest finding a place with little to no hair growth as well as the hair could block the patch from contact with the skin, preventing the hemp from being absorbed. Also avoid placing the patch over open wounds, scabs, or irritated skin.

Clean the area with isopropyl alcohol or with warm water and soap and gently dry off the area after.


cbd patch how to use


You may remove the patch whenever you like, but should at least keep it on for 12 hours to enjoy the benefits of the full 40 mg. Some may even notice results for up to 24 hours, so we suggest keeping it on until you no longer notice. Please leave a comment or review below to let us know how long it works for you!


Acrylic Adhesive, Industrial Hemp Oil, A Proprietary Blend of Several Botanical Extracts that May Include: Griffonia Seed Extract, Gymnema Sylvestre Extract, Paullina Cupana Extract, Scutellaria Lateriflora Extract, Piper Nigrum Extract, and Piper Longum Extract